Friday, September 10, 2021

The Kimberley part 2 - in pictures

 Boabs, birds and other wild things

Classic old Boab at Ivy Cove.
It's not dead - Boabs are deciduous and this was 'winter'

Ants nesting in a ficus on the beach

Multi-armed boab

Determined tree

King George River ferns

Elegent Jabiru - iconic northern Australian bird

Kimberley blooms

Visitor - a friendly, docile tawny nurse shark

These guys keep following us!

Logodile onshore.

The botanist

Fishing frenzy

Horizontal Falls at Talbot Bay

Spring tide at the Horizontal Falls -
up to 3 metres height difference flowing through this narrow gap

The narrow gaps that create the falls

Tourist Central - Horizontal Falls floating docks and hotel.
Float planes and high speed boats zoom around all day

A very rocky place

Lonely tree

Classic Kimberley colours

This large, shady breezy overhang was home for some of the original people of the Swift Bay area

Did someone put these supporting rocks here thousands of years ago?

Rockness monster

Tumbling rocks

Looking out to sea

Ancient columns

Jagged spines

Balancing act

Soft stratas

Balancing act 2

Eroded beach rock - fossilised?

Llama rock

Swirly curves - undercut cliffs in King George River

A few beaches

Parked up at Gantheaume Point Broome.
Farewell to family before we sail off into the wildnerness

Tiny beach amongst the rocks - Silver Gull Creek

Big beach trek  -  mouth of King George River

Low tide patterns  - Glycosmis Bay

Soft sand a welcome relief from rugged rocks


The Kimberley labrynth - rivers, bays and islands

King George River


Dugong Bay

Cruisy cruising

Going upstream - King George River

Murrangingi Island

Melomys Isand

Town Time in the  Top End -  Darwin N.T.

Through the lock into the Tipperary Waters marina

Low tide at the fishing boat harbour

Fabulous ficus in town

Botanical Gardens Boab


Darwin Croc - 10 metre sculpture in the Botanical Gardens

Yolngu Poles - Supreme Court Darwin

These exquisite poles were created by his descendants to commemorate the life of a Yolngu man who suffered harsh injustice at the hands of police in the 1930s.
This was acknowledged by the court in 2003.

NT Day celebrations.
On this day in the NT anyone can let off fireworks just about anywhere and for hours and hours the city was lit up with fireworks.  The noise, sight, smoke and crowds in the streets made it feel like some kind of war zone. Only in the Territory!

The Darwin look - at the marina

The Darwin look -
in town at the Deckchair Outdoor Cinema, Parliament house in the background.


  1. Oh my goodness, so many adventures and great photos. What an intrepid pair!!!
    Keep well away from those Apex crocs, we don't want new neighbours ...


  2. HI Jen and Chris, Just wonderful, gobsmackingly beautiful pictures. Tha
    nk you so much for posting them. How wonderful you are both experiencing this. Lots of love, Rhonda xx

  3. Hope to catch up again soon. Cheers Darsh and Yamuna


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