Introducing Pipsqueak
Who would have thought?? Here we sit hiding from the cold and rain in the cabin,
anchored in Coral Bay. We just assumed it was always warm and sunny here!
we update you with what's been happening, if you are receiving the blog
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the rain storm in Coral Bay we are very happy to have covered the 650
miles [1,300 km’s] from Quindalup (near Dunsborough) in the South West
and have escaped the southern winter once again. Our
time in Dunsborough was most enjoyable. Chris was able to go to work 5
days a week building our new
tender ‘Pipsqueak' at the lovely ‘Surf Shack’ belonging to Steve, Ange
and Riley who very generously welcomed us and turned their outdoor space
into a boat building shed for two months.
The lovely surf shack
Stitching the skin on
Fresh off the stocks
Happy boat builder
First nesting
As usual
with such projects Pipsqueak just squeaked in to the time limit we had. She’s a
lovely 12 foot nesting dinghy designed for sailing, rowing and motoring.
‘Nesting’ means that she comes apart in the middle to be stored one half inside
the other. Pipsqueak was launched with very soft paint but motoring and rowing
sea trials were quite successful. We bought oars sight unseen and they are like
logs, thick and heavy. At some point Chris will reshape them and lose a bit of
weight from the blade end which will make rowing more enjoyable in what is
otherwise a very nice boat to row.
Loaded up for launching
Where's the other half? |
Motoring still needs a bit of work as the
transom is vertical and really should be on an angle to fit the motor properly.
Chris has added some wedges to create a bit of an angle and we will see how that
goes for the time being. When motoring at speed water comes up between the two
halves of the boat and also the centreboard case. Not hard to fix. We have had
the mast up and the sails are bent on to the gaff and boom ready to go but we
haven’t sailed her yet. Hopefully we will have some time now to get her sailing
as we spend a couple of weeks with Tom, Sarana and the four girls at Warroora
Station on the beach inside Ningaloo Reef about 20kms south of Coral Bay.
Hoisting aboard
Separating |
Nested and stowed for sailing
Jenni kept busy on board doing ship's engineering duties
including a complete service of our water maker and winches, repairs to the
toilet and the fitting of a new cog and tune up to our latest sewing machine
acquisition. Jenni also had a rather nasty knee infection which hung around for
quite a while and prevented her from getting out and about on her legs for several
weeks. Beware of tiny cuts in a salt water environment as they can turn septic quickly.
Fortunately anti-biotics to the rescue and all was well.
Winch servicing
Toilet repairs
Water maker servicing
Sewing machine repairs
We had a great time hanging out with
Chris’s daughter Oli and Adam and the three kids on the boat including sailing
Wanda the old dinghy, scurfing and snorkelling. We joined the Dunsborough Bay
Yacht Club as a family which meant we had full use of the facilities including
using one of the Puffin Pacer dinghies to go racing on Sundays. Our racing
performance was not too shabby and we remained unbeaten in the class.
Isaac in his happy place
Quindalup Bay from Dunsborough Yacht Club
State Minnow Championships at Dunsborough Yacht Club
Jenni with her childhood sailing buddy Marie
Farewell Wanda the Walker Bay, you have been usurped by a Pipsqueak!
usual at this time of the year the trip north was very pleasant and filled with
social engagements. First stop was Fremantle [102 miles] where we caught up with
family and friends and had Upstart lifted out of the water for a few days to do
a ‘bottom job’. This involves putting new anti fouling paint on and checking
everything out below the water line. No problems and at the suggestion of the
paint shop guys we put twice as much paint on as we did last time. In theory it
should last twice as long, we shall see.
Fremantle Sailing Club
was again a real pleasure. The club is very welcoming to visiting
yachts, has excellent facilities and the staff and crew are so friendly
and helpful.
Fremantle Harbour from the Ferris Wheel
Lift out at Fremantle Sailing Club
All painted and ready to splash back in the water
Next leg was to Geraldton [220 miles]
where we had a lovely time catching up with our catamaran friends Laura, Brad
and Sylvie and Chris’s mate Roger. When we arrived the power had not long been
restored after the cyclone the week before and our cat mates were making the
most of the time that Brad was unable to work hanging out at the Abrolhos
Islands. We stayed for a week before making an early morning start for Steep
Point which is the southern entry into Shark Bay.
Sylvie getting a ride home after a visit to the Upstarts.
Pipsqueak waiting at the Geraldton jetty. |
By the time we got to Steep
Point which is the northern end of the Zuytdorp Cliffs the swell was up above
2.5m and the seas for the last couple of hours were crazy. The cliffs extend
straight down below the water for about 40 metres and so the swells just bounce
off the cliffs and back out to sea again causing the chaotic conditions we had.
We were not sure if the entrance would be safe enough to try but as we made our
way around the corner it all settled down and we sailed in easily. It was great
to be back in Shark Bay again and as luck would have it once again we arrived on
the day a COVID lock down was announced, this time only for Perth and Peel area.
returned to the lovely Sunday Bay for the night and the next day motored to
Denham in a glassy calm. We had an evening with Jenni’s old school mate Liz
drinking bubbles and eating pizza before heading a bit further north [22 miles]
to a little anchorage we like on Cape Peron at Cattle Well Hill. Again it was
flat calm and we had to motor most of the way.
Next morning it
was off to
Carnarvon [45 miles] where we had to keep a good lookout for pieces of
the old One Mile Jetty which was partly destroyed by the cyclone. We saw
plenty of large
timbers washed up on the shallow banks and beaches but none floating. As
would have it we were in town for the high spring tides so we were able
to sneak
in over the sand bar into the Fascine and the Yacht Club for a few days
was really lovely. We were made to feel very welcome by the club folk
remembered us from last year and also by Jenni’s friend Andrea who has
moved back to WA from the Cocos Islands and taken a job in Carnarvon.
Jenni and
Andrea’s good friend Susan took the opportunity to fly up from Perth for
a few
days so that the three friends could hang out and drink bubbly
Leaving the Carnarvon Fascine
Happy at sea again.
After a
week we left for Coral Bay [130 miles] to make our rendezvous with Tom and
family where we are now having a fabulous fun time hanging out with the family
and enjoying the gorgeous warm turquoise waters of Ningaloo Reef.
Sublime Ningaloo colours at Warroora Station
West coast sunset at Quindalup
Thanks guys for sharing your travels, especially as it's so cold and gloomy outside here. It was a joy to read.